Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Dear Owen,

I would like to take a moment to talk about Spirituality. A bit of a slippery subject to tackle, but i think an essential part of being a happy human. Some folks seem to get through life just fine without a belief in an unseen, unifying force giving all of life an impetus to connect with itself. I am not one of these people. Either a genius or a fool, it matters not to me that others may judge my belief in a God. Many have no idea if what I mean when I say the word 'God'.

In my life, I have had several instances where I was utterly confused and felt alone. Perhaps you will not have this problem. I think it is possible not to need to experience this illusion, but perhaps it is a common experience we must all share. When I have found myself in these situations; lonely, sad and anguished, I have called out to the vast emptiness of the starry Universe......and it answered me back. Sometimes with a shooting star, sometimes with a call from a relative or friend. There was an unseen connective 'tissue' that was so faint I forgot it was there. Whether chemical or physical in some other way, the best way for me to describe this connection is to call it 'Whol-e Spirit.' A loving presence in my life, that has always been with me, even if I ignored it.

One book that has helped me the most, to comprehend what I felt to be true about this Oneness, is Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch. It is a fantastically easily read description of a cosmology that I subscribe to, almost completely. I don't know why the author's long, wavy grey hair bugs me....but it does.
If you can get past the author's cover, the philosophy within is lovely. If you ever feel bad about yourself, about what you have done, not done or are dismayed with the world, I would recommend you open this book up. There are several books in this series, and I come back to them again and again. So much hope offered.

As a plant follows the sun, so too should we have 'intention'. This is also called 'Spirituality'. A dirty word among some intellectuals. Yet, there is a truth that we are a part of, that is much bigger than us. So big it may be hard to see. That, at times, may seem as far away from us as a star. We are connected to that bright star, though. As the great scientist Carl Sagan said,

"....we are literally made from star stuff."

It seems that younger folks have a much more solid understanding of this truth of oneness. As if this is a foregone conclusion. Perhaps you will not need a book such as this. That would be an advancement for the species, I presume.

Welcome to the World Dear One

Hello Owen. I am your Father....your Pa. I became your Pa officially on January 13, 2010. I was there, for the whole thing. I saw your brave mother, Coral, usher you into this world. Her mother was there, a woman named Diksha and several other women. They were all mothers and each one cared for you as you came into the world. I hope that you feel this care and concern for you, your entire life...for I will always have it for you to draw on.

The last couple of days you have been rolling about the floor. I have cleverly named you 'RollinOwen'. You shoot your right arm up and slightly behind you like a bull rider and your massive round head follows. For the last couple of mornings, it's the first thing you do in bed.

You sleep with your mother at night and you and I sometimes take naps together. You like to lay on my chest. I have and I believe you will have a broad chest. You almost certainly will fall asleep, shortly after I place you there. I then roll you to the side and go play some video games. I check on you about every 20 minutes to make sure you are still breathing.

Your Uncle Tim, my brother, gave me the idea to start writing a blog for you. So that you may understand how you became you. I will try not to embarrass you too much. This blog will largely be about my issues and how they might relate to you. Maybe you will find it helpful.

I am 41 years old, what many consider half-way done with this life here on Earth. I am not sure I believe that, but I have been around for some time now and I know this; Life is Spectacular. There is so much to see, so much to understand, so much is at your fingertips. This is especially true for you. You are EXTREMELY fortunate to have caring parents, food shelter and clothing. You live in a day and age where information and knowledge is readily available, and practically instantaneous. It has not always been this way.

As you come into this world, beginning to perceive it's wonders, you'll notice things that seem 'not quite right'. AS we speak, humans have punctured a hole into the very body that sustains them, injuring themselves quite severely. We seem to have an insatiable appetite for everything. When you see examples of this, please remember that there is also peace and beauty here. Sometimes you just have to wait a bit for it.

We waited to have you....and now you are here. You have brought a lot of laughter and pleasure to my life. Some say that babies bring joy.....I do not agree. I had joy before you came, but now I have someone to share it with. I get moments of fear, fleeting as they are, concerning your future.....but mostly I am honored. I look forward, very much, to getting to know you. I Love you, and Welcome.